A collection of posts often on colt E- and I-frame revolvers: pythons, model 357s, officer model specials, etc. Topics not limited to: action jobs, fixing Bubba-gone-wrong gunsmith mistakes, and revolver porn. And sometimes I'll wander off the reservation and type random nouns and verbs that have nothing to do with our sole purpose, because who the hell can really pay attention that long?

Monday, February 8, 2010

famous filmmakers direct super bowl

Pretty damn funny:http://slatev.com/player.html?id=64790979001

hat tip: MR

evil eye

Mistaken IDs are far and away the leading cause of wrongful convictions in the United States. Nearly three out of every four prisoners who have been released after being exonerated by DNA evidence had an eyewitness identifying them.
Guy on hunting trip falsely ID'd by highschool alumni as at a nightclub 100s of miles away beating another guy to death. Since exonerated, but got lucky:


Monday, February 1, 2010

More Richard Epstein

On what is jacked about the health care bill.  I'm not a lawyer, but this guy is a badass:


Various quotes, but here's one: "I want decentralized engineering: that's the only thing I want because I am convinced that no one is super smart and you want a number of runs at this thing so you are much more likely to come up with one that's going to work"

More wide ranging:

"Would you give him tenure?"
"NO!  NO!  Nono."

On the presidency:

"The fundamental mistake of his entire world view is that he treats contracts as devices for exploitation; he doesn't treat them as devices for mutual gain and he assumes that redistribution can take place without any negative impact on production.  And if you live in that kind of fairy land..."
