A collection of posts often on colt E- and I-frame revolvers: pythons, model 357s, officer model specials, etc. Topics not limited to: action jobs, fixing Bubba-gone-wrong gunsmith mistakes, and revolver porn. And sometimes I'll wander off the reservation and type random nouns and verbs that have nothing to do with our sole purpose, because who the hell can really pay attention that long?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

O is for Bankruptcy

Nothing to do with colts other than if the country is destroyed, so too are the rights on the inhabitants.

A graph that everyone should see (I'd also like to see everyone get a bill in the mail as to what they owe, hopefully around election time):

And then a helpful illustration of what, exactly, cutting $100M from the current budget looks like:

If Bush was a drunk frat boy that fished a couple dollars out of your jacket at a party, Obama is... well, I'm blanked on the right analogy. The guy who ditched the party to steal the money printing equipment? But still, he'd have to load the paper (and carry the result), which would limit the amount actually made, so that doesn't really work. Perhaps a hyper-active child spastically hitting the keys of a calculator whose minus and division keys he ate, leaving only digits, plus and multiplication?

Hat tip: Volokh and The Atlantic.

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